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We get a consistent and great response with every mailing. Clipp reminds customers to take action and call us.”

– John P.

Clipp is, hands down, the most successful advertising I have used. Cash flow is always an issue in the restaurant business. Paying for my print ads with certificates is a life saver.”

– David B.

Clipp has helped us grow our business since we started regularly advertising with them. We get more response from this than any other companies we have used.”

– Fara J.

No one offers everything that Clipp does. I use Clipp.com for almost all products that I do, so I always get a ton of certificates. Their marketing brings in new clients and keeps current ones happy.”

– Jennifer E.

Clipp brings in new customers. We had a 40% increase in sales once we started working with Clipp. You should take advantage of everything they have to offer. Our ad goes directly to our target customers’ homes and also goes online!”

– Erika N.

Clipp has helped us build our business year in and year out! Clipp reaches people in so many different ways, print and online in one campaign, and it sets us apart from the competition.”

– Joe M.

We receive more physical coupons with Clipp than with other print ads. We appreciate the personal communication that Clipp has maintained with our business.”

– Kay R.

 We love Clipp. Everyone who calls as a result of one of our ads is a serious buyer! Our ROI is awesome. Give this magazine a try. It really brings in business!”

– Jeff C.

We have been able to target our market more specifically with postcards. Our return on investment with them has been excellent.”

– Jesus V.

When our magazine ad hits mailboxes, the phones ring off the hook. Advertising with Clipp pays off and it’s good exposure.”

– Ryan C.

Clipp has proven to be a great resource. It provides quality leads with a great return. You should invest and grow your business.”

– Brandon S.

Clipp is a quality, colorful, full-glossy magazine with great offers. It gives us the most effective print ad out there. We get an immediate response, and the magazine has great shelf life.”

– Jamey K.

Clipp provides an all-in-one solution, from ad design to printing and delivery! I tell other businesses that Clipp is one of tools I have used to grow the business year over year.”

– Joe H.

We advertise in every issue of Clipp. It complements and ties in with all of our advertising, along with bringing in new customers to our store. I love it.”

– Michelle S.

It’s a great investment. Our ROI is great. The number of patients that come in has gone up 10%. We like that it goes to many households.”

– Kylene D.

Clipp is the only mailer we use. We like the ability to target specific areas and are very satisfied with our ROI.”

– Tom C.

Our advertising efforts with Clipp helped target candidates that were looking for positions within our company. We are very satisfied with our investment.”

– Letizia C.

For the price, it is well worth it. A good return you can actually see.”

– Robert H.

We see a noticeable increase of patients utilizing coupons/specials. We are very satisfied with our return.”

– Gina B.

We’ve been mailing postcards 3 times a month. The solo mail postcards help with ZIP code-targeted marketing.”

– Haim L.

We have received increased traffic flow of customers. Clipp provided assistance with targeted marketing and has wide coverage.”

– Romany M.

Clipp’s products have been in our annual plan for years. We always receive a great return on our investment. When the magazine hits, our call volume increases tenfold.”

– Brandon S.

Clipp has a large range for customer reach. We get a lot of new customers that have found us by our ad.”

– Jane S.

Customers bring in Clipp coupons regularly. We see a significantly higher turn around with Clipp than other advertising methods we have used.”

– Doug G.

Clipp puts our business directly into the homeowner’s mailbox. It  generates more leads than other advertising venues.”

– Khaldun H.

I am very pleased with the targeted marketing of my postcards. I have a very small 5-6 mile radius area where I try to advertise, and your products fit me to a ‘T’. It gets results.”

– Greg N.

Clipp is unquestionably the best direct mail advertising available. We get an excellent return on our investment.”

– Herb S.

The great thing about Clipp is its trackability and loyal readers, which makes it successful. Clipp works for us. You should give it a try!”

– Jim S.

Clipp is very effective. We have used Clipp’s services from day one. They lead us to the right homes and have helped us grow our business in a steady way.”

– Joelis M.

We receive a greater volume of coupon redemptions since working with Clipp. Our ads are design-focused and eye-catching.”

– Mary N.