The Award-Winning Print Media Marketing Agency

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Local, Local Advertising for National Brands

Brands look to Clipp’s expertise in print advertising and digital marketing campaigns to hyper-target at the household level. With decades of graphic design, offer and audience data intelligence, Clipp shared mail ad campaigns are just as in-depth and trackable as digital advertising channels, often at a lower rate. Choose Clipp to optimize brand awareness with print ads to a target audience that spends and converts.

print magazines mailed last year

Clipp Magazine Ad Readership

of all demographics that receive Clipp open it (93% of Gen Z)
look at every magazine ad inside our Clipp publications
spend 3 to 10 minutes with it (compare to social media/digital ads)

Brand Marketing Partnerships

In addition to great magazine ads from businesses like yours, our advertising agency partners with national brands and media buying companies to surprise and delight your customers with exclusive content.

Saladworks Magazine Advertising Partnership Case Study

lift in sales month over month
increase in new customers
increase in catering orders
more sales for 1-day event


Magazines Icon

Drive response with direct mail built around local audience expertise and proven to increase visibility and sales

Postcards Icon

Target any household in America with custom mailers backed by data that reduce waste and maximize results

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Digital Marketing

Expand the reach of your print advertising with a business listing and programmatic display

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Leverage audience segments to unlock actionable insights and create high-performing campaigns


Ready to Grow Your Business?
Get Started Today!

Next Steps:


Connect with an experienced rep

A partner who cares about your business’s success


Choose your product mix

We have solutions for every marketing goal and budget


Design your campaign

From audience targeting to postage, it’s all included


Measure your results

Tools that prove that your ads are yielding a positive ROI