Targeted Mailing Lists & Surveys for Direct Mail Campaigns

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Increase Response Rates and Get New Customers

Identify your target audience and maintain your audience advantage with Clipp, the data service provider for all your direct mail marketing needs. Our in-house data stack combines thousand of data points across billions of records to help your marketing campaigns reach potential customers in any household in America.

Data Solutions for Your Marketing Efforts

Direct Mailing List Service

Clipp’s marketing lists are privacy-compliant and can be used for retargeting ad campaigns, cross-selling, custom audiences or to create lookalikes that match your current customers, target groups or custom segments. Types of consumer mailing lists available include new movers, new homeowners, renters and 300+ selects to create your own specialty list. Business mailing lists can be targeted by geographic area, number of employees, business category and more.

Ideal Customer Surveys

Clipp research analysts take care of everything for you, from list counts and deliverability to data processing and analysis. Our survey panels are multi-sourced and diversified to decrease bias. You’ll receive your survey results in as little as 1 month. Pricing for survey services depend on type of list / survey requirements but are extremely cost-effective compared to other direct mail services / data providers.

Advertise Across Multiple Channels to Increase Results

Magazines Icon

Reach consumers with higher purchasing power than the U.S. average


Mail to our targeted audience, around life events or to your exact customer

Digital Marketing

Extend the reach of your print campaign with hyper-targeted digital advertising


Ready to Grow Your Business?
Get Started Today!

Next Steps:


Connect with an experienced rep

A partner who cares about your business’s success


Choose your product mix

We have solutions for every marketing goal and budget


Design your campaign

From audience targeting to postage, it’s all included


Measure your results

Tools that prove that your ads are yielding a positive ROI